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Friday, March 13, 2015

Why Default Search Engines Matter

If you have been following the search engine news for the last few months you probably have come across a slew of articles on which search engines are default for which programs. (ahem; Firefox, AppleInternet Explorer)

Most businesses are probably sitting back and wondering, "Why does this even matter? Doesn't Google own like 70% percent of the search query volume out there?" Well, yes but it isn't always the case. There are cases where the primary search engine for a specific audience may skew more toward another competitor. There are demographics that rely on the the default search engine for the majority of their queries. This audience may also go seek out the "older" search engine that they know and know how to use.

When browsers make this change this dependence is especially evident. So as businesses take time to review our their sites perform on different search engines. Rather than just looking at ranking, businesses need to look at the quality and value of that traffic and see where their efforts need to be focused.

Will that focus most often be put toward Google? Probably, but not in every case. There is a lot of focus dedicated specifically toward Google so tackling how to crack Bing, Yahoo and others can be a challenge but one that could be fruitful for your business.

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